In our 6o grade we made with the english teacher a work about types of animals. First we
made the teams, we had tables divided up like "islands". To form an "island" every one
placed as they wanted, some teams had four o five people, but we had a group of six!!
Then, the teacher gave us the type of animal to make the task. There were six: Mammals,
Reptiles, Fish, Insects, Birds and Amphibians.
The types were started at random, we used an app called "Canvas" to make it digitally.
Finally we made the presentation of our project. The first team talked about the
amphibians. They introduced tehmselves, showed the characteristics of that animals and
make a comparison of two amphibians. We also showed skeletons, feathers, skulls, snake
skin and real animals in our presentations.
Pablo Hoyos Valero. 6o B.

Photos of the activity